Section Leaders
Within Trinity Scouts and Group, we have adult leaders and young leaders who give their time voluntarily to help the development of young people.
The Sections within the Group are headed by a Group Scout Leader and a Group Guide Leader whose jobs are to co-ordinate the Group’s activities and to ensure continuity and development.
Group Council
The Group Council meets once a year for an Annual General Meeting. The Council consists of all the adult Members of the Group, as well as the children’s parents.
Trustee Board
The Group also has a Trustee Board, who make sure the charity is well managed, risks are assessed and mitigated, and equipment are in good working order, and everyone follows legal requirements and Policy, Organisation and Rules (POR).
The Trustee Board consists of the Chair, Treasurer, Ex officio Trustees, Nominated Trustees, Elected Trustees, Co-opted Trustees and Secretary.